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   Generate Random Password

Vbscript / General / Generate Random Password

This script generates a random alpha-numeric password of variable length. 

Use intUpperLimit = 126, intLowerLimit = 33 and remove the `If` conditional to include special characters.

intMaxLenth = 14
intMinLength = 7


intCharacters = Int(((intMaxLenth - intMinLength + 1) * Rnd) + intMaxLenth)  

intUpperLimit = 122
intLowerLimit = 48

For i = 1 to intCharacters


    intChar = Int(((intUpperLimit - intLowerLimit + 1) * Rnd) + intLowerLimit)  

 If (intChar < 58 OR intChar > 64) AND (intChar < 91 OR intChar > 96) Then
      strPassword = strPassword & Chr(intChar)
 End If

Wscript.Echo strPassword

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