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   Encode Hardcoded Passwords

Vbscript / General / Encode Hardcoded Passwords

This function encodes the characters in a password in order to prevent hardcoded passwords being displayed in clear text. It is a very basic method that can easily be reversed but provides a small barrier for the lazy intruder. Be aware that the password is encoded and not encrypted so can be decoded without too much effort. this method does not encode numeric values and an input character will always be encoded to the same output character.

strPassword = InputBox("Input Password","")

strHash = charRotate(strPassword)

wscript.Echo "Encoded: " & strHash

strPass = charRotate(strHash)

Wscript.Echo "Decoded: " & strPass

Function charRotate(strInput)
   strRotated = ""
   For i = 1 to Len(strInput)
      charA = Mid(strInput, i, 1)
      intA = Asc(charA)
      if intA >= 97 and intA =< 109 then
         intA = intA + 13
      elseif intA >= 110 and intA =< 122 then
         intA = intA - 13
      elseif intA >= 65 and intA =< 77 then
         intA = intA + 13
      elseif intA >= 78 and intA =< 90 then
         intA = intA - 13
      end if

   strRotated = strRotated & Chr(intA)


charRotate = strRotated

End Function

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