Vbscript / Active Directory / Create Ou Structure
A script to create an OU structure based on a file containing tab separated values (TSV). This script discovers the domain name based on the user account running the script and is limited to a three level OU structure.
Example input file (save as OUStructure.txt in the script location):
Root Root Finance Finance Objects Root Finance Users Finance Users Root Finance Laptops Finance Laptops Root Finance Desktops Finance Desktops Root Finance Printers Finance Printers Root Root Marketing Marketing Objects Root Marketing Users Marketing Users Root Marketing Laptops Marketing Laptops Root Marketing Desktops Marketing Desktops Root Marketing Printers Marketing Printers Root Root Administrators Administrators Objects Root Administrators Users Administrators Users Root Administrators Laptops Administrators Dektops Root Administrators Desktops Administrators Desktops
Note: If copying the text above ensure that tab is used instead of multiple spaces
strInputFile = "OUStructure.txt"
set objFSO = Wscript.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") Set objInputFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strInputFile, 1)
Set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network") strDomain = objNetwork.UserDomain
strRoot = "DC=" & strDomain & ",DC=local"
Do Until objInputFile.AtEndOfStream
strLine = objInputFile.readline strLine = replace(strLine,chr(34),"") strLine = replace(strLine,",",chr(92) & ",")
arrLine = split(strLine,vbTab)
If (arrLine(1) = "Root") then
strLDAP = "LDAP://" & strRoot set objLDAP = getobject(strLDAP) set objOU = objLDAP.create("organizationalUnit","OU=" & arrLine(2)) objOU.Put "Description", arrLine(3) objOU.Setinfo Else If (arrLine(0) = "Root") then
strLDAP = "LDAP://OU=" & arrLine (1) & "," & strRoot set objLDAP = getobject(strLDAP) set objOU = objLDAP.create("organizationalUnit","OU=" & arrLine(2)) objOU.Put "Description", arrLine(3) objOU.Setinfo Else
strLDAP = "LDAP://OU=" & arrLine(1) & ",OU=" & arrLine(0) & "," & strRoot set objLDAP = getobject(strLDAP) set objOU = objLDAP.create("organizationalUnit","OU=" & arrLine(2)) objOU.Put "Description", arrLine(3) objOU.Setinfo End If End If Loop
wscript.echo "Complete"
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