Vbscript / Operating System / Add Remove Windows Server 2003 Components
Add remove components for Server 2003 using "sysocmgr" specifying a file with the components defines as show below:
sysocmgr /i:%windir%\inf\sysoc.inf /u:c:\Install\components.txt
An example of components.txt is show below for adding the file server resource manager components of Windows Server 2003 R2 and common IIS components:
[Components] SRM = on FSRStandard = on iis_common = on iis_www = on iis_www_vdir_scripts = on iis_inetmgr = on iis_asp = on aspnet= on appsrv_console = on
See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/222444 for more details on comonent installation.
Refer to the compiled help files (ref.chm) in deploy.cab contained within the SUPPORT folder on the Windows Server 2003 installation media or refer to our OS component reference.
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